International Development Projects—Consulting & Advisory Services
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Project Consulting

International Development Projects

Expertise in IFI/Donor Project Consulting

Coral Hill founder and principal Hugh Wilkinson knows international development and is a frequent consultant to IFIs and government implementing agencies in the design, management, monitoring and evaluation of long-term development projects. Recognized in particular for designing innovative approaches to justice administration reform, assignments have included: 

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  • Managed World Bank-funded projects in Russia (Judicial Reform/ADR); Albania (Commercial ADR); Ghana (Public Sector Modernization)

  • Senior consultant on team that designed a comprehensive justice reform program in India (Asian Development Bank)

  • Lead consultant to Inter-American Development Bank and Ministry of Justice for design, preparation, monitoring and evaluation ofan 8-year $35 million Justice Administration Reform project in Guyana

  • Chief of Party, Establishment of Commercial Court Project, Guyana

  • As consultant to the Ministry of Agriculture in Guyana, undertook comprehensive Final Evaluations of the IDB-funded 'Agriculture Export Diversification Program' and the IFAD-funded 'Rural Enterprise Agricultural Development Project (READ)'. 2014-2016

  • Evaluation consultant – IDB-funded ‘SWIFT Justice Project’, Bahamas (2016)

  • Evaluation/Project Completion Consultant – Belize Rural Finance Programme, IFAD (2017)