Expertise in IFI/Donor Project Consulting
Coral Hill founder and principal Hugh Wilkinson knows international development and is a frequent consultant to IFIs and government implementing agencies in the design, management, monitoring and evaluation of long-term development projects. Recognized in particular for designing innovative approaches to justice administration reform, assignments have included:
Managed World Bank-funded projects in Russia (Judicial Reform/ADR); Albania (Commercial ADR); Ghana (Public Sector Modernization)
Senior consultant on team that designed a comprehensive justice reform program in India (Asian Development Bank)
Lead consultant to Inter-American Development Bank and Ministry of Justice for design, preparation, monitoring and evaluation ofan 8-year $35 million Justice Administration Reform project in Guyana
Chief of Party, Establishment of Commercial Court Project, Guyana
As consultant to the Ministry of Agriculture in Guyana, undertook comprehensive Final Evaluations of the IDB-funded 'Agriculture Export Diversification Program' and the IFAD-funded 'Rural Enterprise Agricultural Development Project (READ)'. 2014-2016
Evaluation consultant – IDB-funded ‘SWIFT Justice Project’, Bahamas (2016)
Evaluation/Project Completion Consultant – Belize Rural Finance Programme, IFAD (2017)